
THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS2020, NEW YEARS CEREMONY, Paris / 27 January 2020 / private event.
Presentation of the Villa of Composers' 2019 Collection, Hommage au poète Lucretius.
Charity event for the Villa of Composers.
On 22 November 2018, FIRST FINANCE is holding the third edition of an outstanding event in a prestigious setting for the entire financial community and students of economic Grandes Ecoles.
FIRST FINANCE aims to bridge the gap between the students of Grandes Ecoles and finance institutions such as banks and major companies.
"L'Orchestre du Conservatoire sous la direction de Marc Lys"
Programme [Link]
Marc Lys conductor / 12 Octobre 2018 concert
Works by Christophe Guyard, Marc Lys, Roger Boutry, Sergueï Prokofiev
Original Greeting card Movie produced for MAUREL & Cie Conseil. Original soundtrack used: Fortitudo gc6r-2733-CCN0098.
Clara Cernat, violinist and viola player, is one of the representative artists of the great Romanian violin school.
Charity event for the Villa of Composers.
On 20 June 2017, FIRST FINANCE is holding the second edition of an outstanding event in a prestigious setting for the entire financial community and students of economic Grandes Ecoles.
FIRST FINANCE aims to bridge the gap between the students of Grandes Ecoles and finance institutions such as banks and major companies. This gala evening will also offer the chance to support the work of the Villa of Composers, an endowment fund, whose purpose is to propagate and ensure the physical and digital conservation of written musical works.
Emergenza Sorrisi organizza un Concerto musicale per sostenere la prossima missione umanitaria in Afghanistan.
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The Villa of Composers becomes a new partner of the 8th International Henri Dutilleux Composition Contest.
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Conference & annual meeting of the Composers.
The Villa of Composers and the Isabella Scelsi Foundation are organising a Franco-Italian meeting devoted to the transmission of heritage and remembrance of works by contemporary composers, with the patronage of the French National Commission for UNESCO.
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Charity event for the Villa of Composers.
On 7 June 2016, the date of its 20th anniversary, FIRST FINANCE is holding the first edition of an outstanding event in a prestigious setting for the entire financial community and students of economic Grandes Ecoles.
FIRST FINANCE aims to bridge the gap between the students of Grandes Ecoles and finance institutions such as banks and major companies. This gala evening will also offer the chance to support the work of the Villa of Composers, an endowment fund, whose purpose is to propagate and ensure the physical and digital conservation of written musical works.
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Interdisciplinary Panel: The Sense of Archives
Contemporary music archives, property and promotion are all themes central to the Villa of Composers' core mission - Conference.
- Memoria, archivio e patrimonio dei compositori viventi : Il patrimonio del compositore e larchivio della sua opera. In quale momento è opportuno collocare in archivio le opere di un compositore vivente ? In che modo le partiture musicali lasciano traccia ? Nella catalogazione degli archivi? Nellemozione del concerto o della registrazione ?
- La difficoltà di creare un archivio accessibile : Piano giuridico. Piano tecnico. Psicologico.
- La Villa e le biblioteche : Il motto « creare e tramandare » della villa e la presa di coscienza della necessità di una collaborazione con le biblioteche musicali. - La collaborazione iniziale con le biblioteche dellaccademia di santa cecilia di roma e andrea della corte di torino.
- Le soluzioni avviate dalla villa : Perché la necessità di una villa des compositeurs ? - Il circolo virtuoso della vdc, ovvero il suo il modus operandi : dagli interpreti agli interpreti. - Il caso the living composers project : uno strordinario archivio per repertoriare i compositori di tutto il mondo, e i loro cataloghi.
- Prospettive : I concerti registrati alla villa, ovvero la dimostrazione della vitalità di un archivio.
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Reception and registration. - Tour of Villa Tesoriera. "Together we are greater than the sum of our parts", Marlijn Helder. - Programmes currently running at the Villa of Composers. FAQS. - Lunch. - Voting of the Collegio musical. - Video interviews. "Development of copyright in the global context", Lorenzo Ferrero. - Xenia ensemble, a story of artistic development for contemporary music, Eilis Cranitch. - Chamber music concert. Archive access English - French
"La Villa des Compositeurs ed i compositori in Italia", conferenza
"La Villa des Compositeurs et les compositeurs en Italie", conférence
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L'inaugurazione del "Fondo delle Opere della Villa des Compositeurs" è fissata per giovedì 5 luglio. Di concerto con Sua Eccellenza lAmbasciatore di Francia in Italia, una conferenza stampa in italiano e francese avrà luogo alle ore 11 a Palazzo Farnese, seguita da un cocktail nei giardini dellAmbasciata
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L'inauguration du "Fonds des uvres de la Villa des Compositeurs" est programmée le jeudi 5 juillet. Avec l'accord de Son Excellence M. l'Ambassadeur, une conférence de presse sera donnée en italien et en français à 11h00 au Palazzo Farnese à Rome, suivie d'un cocktail dans les jardins de l'Ambassade
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Dossier de presse | Cartella stampa
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