Festival degli Archivi Musicali / Milano 2015

TO DOWNLOADInterdisciplinary Panel: The Sense of Archives
"Musical archives have a profound value for the world of music, but they also are fundamental for other fields. The objective of this panel is to create a round table between archivists, historians, musicologists, composers and performers in order to highlight the many virtues of musical collections on cultural, social, political and artistic levels. On the one hand, the documents are examined from a multi-disciplinary point- of-view, while on the other, as in the case of contemporary scores, they are viewed first of all as material for the archives of the future, designed for use by the communities in question."
Contemporary music archives, property and promotion are all themes central to the Villa of Composers' core mission - Conference:
- Christophe Guyard / Relazione tenuta al FAM Milano 9-10 aprile 2015 Italiano
- IGOR / Master data management map English

FAM - FESTIVAL DEGLI ARCHIVI MUSICALI"The world of musical archives is undergoing epochal changes thanks to the ponderous arrival of digital technologies and communication in all phases, from conversation to cataloguing, from the production of the final product to its consumption.
) FAM wants to compare qualified theoretical visions and some of the most significant case histories of the national and international scenes in order to record the actual situation, describe current transformations, and delineate future scenarios, without forgetting economic and social factors that a different management of archives can generate. FAM also wants to display the treasures of musical archives, and not only those on sound supports, but also musical scores and iconographic witnesses, and how these can dialogue with the worlds of art and the creative industries."
Methodological and Technical Panel - Interdisciplinary Panel: The Sense of Archives - Communication Panel - Music Industry Panel
- DGA - Direzione Generale Archivi
- MediaArtis
- Ricordi & C. / Archivio Storico Ricordi
In collaboration with: Mediateca Santa Teresa / Biblioteca Nazionale Braidense - LIM Laboratorio di Informatica Musicale - Associazione Lilopera
Under the patronage of:
- Comune di Milano
- Ministero dei Beni e delle Attività Culturali e del Turismo