About us

INTRODUCTIONThe Villa of Composers is a private, non-profit organisation that links composers of written music with libraries. Libraries are the primary custodians of musical heritage and a gateway to promotion of musical scores.
The Villa of Composers is open to numerous aesthetics of written music.
The Villa of Composers is different from the Academies hosting composers in residence. It plays a complementary and lasting role in artists' lives.
Ultimately, our servers will have the capacity to host all 2,700 composers listed worldwide thanks to the heritage of The Living Composers 21 database (USA).
The French Minister for Culture perfectly sums up the situation in her letter of patronage: "The digitisation of cultural heritage is one of the priorities of the Ministry of Culture and Communication. Your project contributes to this aim by promoting the physical and digital preservation of musical works from across the world (...)."

CREATE AND TRANSMITThe Villa of Composers stems from a need expressed by experienced composers of written music to:
- forge lasting social ties and develop a platform for artistic interaction,
- host and promote their works on a long term basis,
- constitute a heritage,
- provide the necessary means to cooperate with music libraries worldwide.
Accordingly the founders chose to create an Endowment Fund whose legal status is similar to that of a foundation.
The Villa of Composers musical works library is our heart, our generous donors are our growth factor, and our motto "Create & transmit", is our soul.

A LEGAL ENTITY SUPPORTING THE VILLA OF COMPOSERSThe Villa of Composers is an Endowment Fund under French law, with private status, a philanthropic purpose and broad legal and financial capacity for collecting catalogues, composer works, legacies and donations.
The key decisions are made by our Board of Directors. We operate under the supervision of the Paris Prefect.
For artistic decisions and those relating to musical direction, the Board of Directors refers to the proposals of the Collegio musicale, which comprises composers among the Fund members.