Catalogue for Gabriel Malancioiu
Composer member of the Villa of Composers; See Rules of Procedure for the Fund [Link]

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERSBorn in 1979 in Braşov (Romania), Gabriel Mălăncioiu graduated from Andrei Saguna National College from its native town in 1997. Between 1997 and 2002 he followed the courses of the Faculty of Automatics and Computers within the Politehnica University of Timişoara, and, in parallel, between 2000 and 2005 he also followed the courses of the Faculty of Music of Timişoara.
In 2001 he began the study of composition under the direction of Remus Georgescu, and in 2005 he began to attend the MA in composition within Gheorghe Dima Music Academy of Cluj, under the direction of Cornel Tãranu, PhD, member of the Romanian Academy. In 2011 he completed his PhD in composition with the thesis "Aspects of the sacred / profane relation in my own music" with summa cum laude distinction under the direction of Prof. Adrian Pop, PhD within Gheorghe Dima Music Academy.
In 2005 he participated in the Icon Arts International Summer Courses, studying composition with Erik Peters (Sweden), Marian Borkowski (Poland) and Doina Rotaru (Romania). In 2008 he attended Summer courses in composition with Aurel Stroe at Buşteni. In 2008 and 2009 he attended Master classes in composition at the International Sommerakademie Prag-Wien-Budapest, studying with Nigel Osborne (Great Britain), Klangforum Wien (Austria) and electronic music with Hans Tutschku (USA). In 2010 he attended composition courses with Gyula Csapó at the International Bartók Festival. In 2011 he was admitted at the Experimental Studio des SWR Academy, Freiburg, Germany, studying with Mark Andre (France), Chaya Czernowin (Israel), Dániel Péter Biró (Hungary / Canada), André Richard (Switzerland) and Brian Ferneyhough (Great Britain). During George Enescu International Festival, he took part in the composition workshop, under the guidance of Miklós Maros (Sweden / Hungary), Bernard Cavanna (France), Hubert Stuppner (Italy) and Zygmunt Krauze (Poland).
His works have been performed in concerts in Romania and also in USA, Austria, Germany, Norway, Italy, Ireland and Hungary. "In statu nascendi" was selected to be played in a Vox Novus Composer's Voice concert by the clarinet virtuoso Bruce Curlette, and "Tat Tvam Asi" was selected by Neue Vocalsolisten Stuttgart to be played in Nuova Musica a Treviso Festival, together with ensemble L'arsenale. In 2012 he was member of the Artistic Committee of the "1st International Symposium of New Music and Computer Music", Curitiba (Brazil). He is member of SACEM - Société des Auteurs Compositeurs et Editeurs de Musique, of UCMR - Romanian Union of Composers and of ISCM - International Society for Contemporary Music, the Romanian Section. Gabriel Mălăncioiu is currently teaching Musical Analysis at the West University of Timişoara, Faculty of Music.

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- News unavailable

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- 0006 Profanul si Sacrul for two violins and viola; 10 min.,, also version for two violins and clarinet, mg9b-2790-CCN0006, 2004
- 0008 Lila - the cosmic dance for string quartet; 19 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0008, 2005
- 0011 Eternal Beginning for trumpet, horn and trombone; 12 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0011, 2006
- 0012 Rubaiyat for tenor and three flutes; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0012, 2006
- 0015 Numai poetul for soprano and piano; 5 min.,, also version for oboe and piano, for tenor and marimba, mg9b-2790-CCN0015, 2007
- 0016 Irisation for two piano and two percussion players; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0016, 2007
- 0019 Bhava for flute, clarinet, violin, cello, piano and percussion; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0019, 2009
- 0021 Sublimation for flute, clarinet, bass clarinet, violin and cello; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0021, 2009
- 0024 Katharythmos for five percussion players; 10 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0024, 2009
- 0031 Triguna for flute, piano and percussion; 22 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0031, 2010
- 0036 Anahit for duduk, guitar and prepared piano; 5 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0036, 2010
- 0038 Ancioso for three bassoons; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0038, 2011
- 0047 Traulos for oboe, bass clarinet and bassoon; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0047, 2011
- 0052 Fur Enescu for violin and wind quintet ; 17 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0052, 2012
- 0055 The mystic rose for alto, tenor and string quartet; 27 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0055, 2012
- 0057 Complementarium - in memoriam Jonathan Harvey for soprano, clarinet, violin, cello and percussion ; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0057, 2013
- 0065 Ara for duduk and two percussion players; 4 min.,, dedicated to the salvation of Rosia Montana, mg9b-2790-CCN0065, 2013
- 0066 Frescobaldi' s winter dream for soprano, flute, oboe, viola, cello and tambourine; 3 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0066, 2013
- 0018 Spacioussness for clarinet, violin, cello, piano and electronics; 7 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0018, 2008
- 0037 Shudi for flute and live electronics; 10 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0037, 2011
- 0061 Shudi I for violin and live electronics; 10 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0061, 2013
- 0003 Reminiscences I for violin and guitar; 18 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0003, 2004
- 0005 Ritambhara for two guitars; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0005, 2004
- 0013 Sanran for clarinet and violin; 7 min.,, also version for violin and viola, mg9b-2790-CCN0013, 2006
- 0025 Coicidentia oppositorum for organ and percussion; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0025, 2009
- 0030 Dogala Dogru for an adjustable microtonal guitar and a standard fretted guitar; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0030, 2010
- 0032 Musawwira for guitar and piano; 9 min.,, also version for violin and piano, mg9b-2790-CCN0032, 2010
- 0033 Zahira for tuba and piano; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0033, 2010
- 0034 Latifa for two piano players; 10 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0034, 2010
- 0040 Ritualistique for bass clarinet and a pair of bongos; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0040, 2011
- 0050 Hommage a Aurel Stroe for tenor and guitar; 6 min.,, using Heraclit' s text, mg9b-2790-CCN0050, 2012
- 0051 Liniste for soprano and flute; 6 min.,, using Lucian Blaga' s text, mg9b-2790-CCN0051, 2012
- 0059 Fur Terpsichore for two piano players; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0059, 2013
- 0064 Paramita I for flute and chromatic button accordion; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0064, 2013
- 0002 Reminiscences for guitar; 13 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0002, 2004
- 0022 Yirdaki for trombone; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0022, 2009
- 0023 Mister I for clarinet; 4 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0023, 2009
- 0026 Rajas for percussion; 7 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0026, 2010
- 0028 Zhong for vibraphone; 5 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0028, 2010
- 0029 Ditorimba for percussion; 4 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0029, 2010
- 0035 Mitra for violin; 15 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0035, 2010
- 0041 Hommage a George Enescu for violin; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0041, 2011
- 0043 In statu nascendi for clarinet; 1 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0043, 2011
- 0044 Badriya for guitar; 7 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0044, 2011
- 0045 Mobilis in mobili for organ; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0045, 2011
- 0048 Paramita for chromatic button accordion; 9 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0048, 2011
- 0053 De Deo uno et trino for organ; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0053, 2012
- 0054 Inner radiance for cello; 12 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0054, 2012
- 0056 Bucolicum for tuba; 6 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0056, 2013
- 0063 Campus Stellae for guitar; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0063, 2013
- 0001 Concertino for string orchestra; 17 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0001, 2003
- 0004 Sadhana for female choir and orchestra; 13 min.,, using Rabindranath Tagore's texts, mg9b-2790-CCN0004, 2004
- 0007 Profanul si Sacrul I for orchestra; 11 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0007, 2004
- 0009 The hidden harmony for chamber symphonic orchestra; 16 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0009, 2005
- 0017 Catharsis for big orchestra; 28 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0017, 2007
- 0027 Hasya for flute, piano, percussion and string orchestra; 19 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0027, 2010
- 0049 Zamolxis for trumpet and string orchestra ; 14 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0049, 2012
- 0046 Tat Tvam Asi for tenor, baritone, bass, bass clarinet, violin, cello and Bongos; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0046, 2011
- 0058 Faces of Oneness for baritone, flute, bass clarinet, violin and percussion; 11 min.,, using Hildegard von Bingen and ancient sanscrit texts, mg9b-2790-CCN0058, 2013
- 0039 Turnismavitu for duduk, soprano saxophone, narrator and piano; 12 min.,, using text by Urmuz, mg9b-2790-CCN0039, 2011
- 0062 The boy and the dog for flute, bassoon, violin, viola and cello ; 6 min.,, music for a silent film directed by Liviu Varlam, mg9b-2790-CCN0062, 2013
- 0020 Panta rei for soprano, tenor, mixed choir and orchestra; 65 min.,, using Heraclit's texts, mg9b-2790-CCN0020, 2009
- 0010 Surasul vagului for twelve solo voices; 4 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0010, 2006
- 0014 Trimurti for female choir or children's choir; 11 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0014, 2006
- 0042 Auguries of Innocence for soprano; 1 min.,, using a poem by William Blake, mg9b-2790-CCN0042, 2011
- 0060 Hommage a Papaji for mixed choir; 8 min.,, mg9b-2790-CCN0060, 2013

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- The Villa of Composers / mg9b-2790 / a-1409
- Document revised: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:47:27 +0100
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Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:47:27 +0100