Catalogue for Marc Lys
Lys, Marc (b. 1963, Dinan). Composer, pianist, trombonist, conductor, professor at the Paris Conservatoire
Permanent composer member of the Collegio musicale and founder; See Rules of Procedure for the Fund [Link]

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THE VILLA OF COMPOSERSMarc Lys was born in Dinan, France, in 1963. Early on he developed an interest in music, encouraged by his parents, keen amateur musicians and opera lovers. He took piano lessons, then took up percussion and trombone so that he could join the local wind band.
With his talent for music, he naturally focused his studies on the arts, attending classes at Rennes School of Music. Alongside his instrumental skills, he began to learn composition and orchestration under Franz Tournier. His piano teacher, Jean-Léon Cohen, introduced him to Yvonne Loriod-Messiaen, who advised him to prepare for the entrance exam for the Paris Conservatoire (CNSMDP).
After passing performance exams in piano and trombone at the Ecole Normale de Musique (ENM) in Paris, he was accepted at the Paris Conservatoire in 1982. He was fortunate to be taught by Pierre Sancan, himself a composer, who encouraged him to continue his studies in musicology and to keep up his trombone playing. Lys also won a place at the Lyon Conservatoire (CNSMD) to study trombone under Michel Becquet, while continuing his piano and music theory studies in Paris with Alain Bernaud, Bernard De Crépy and Roger Boutry. He then decided to base his studies fully in Paris, taking trombone lessons with Gilles Millière and also joining the advanced analysis class run by Jacques Castérède. He finally completed his extensive music studies in 1990, winning several First Prizes (premiers prix).
While he was a student, he founded a brass ensemble featuring drum kit and keyboard, the New Brass Power Band, with fellow students. Lys himself provided the repertoire for the group, with original compositions and several arrangements of existing pieces in jazz-rock style. The group played together for three years and was widely acclaimed, receiving an invitation from French Culture Minister Jack Lang to play at the first editions of the famous Fête de la Musique.
Marc Lys then decided to turn his hand to piano teaching, and, having been fortunate enough to work with some outstanding teachers himself, he passed his piano teaching diploma. He was appointed as a teacher at Lille School of Music and became actively involved in the musical life of the region as a pianist giving solo recitals, performing concertos with the student orchestra and playing chamber music and trombonist playing in the regional big band and in the orchestra at the school of music under conductors Jean-Sébastien Béreau, Jean-Marc Cochereau and Michel Piquemal. He also became artistic director for the brass ensemble at the school of music, again including in the repertoire several of his own compositions, arrangements and transcriptions in a wide variety of styles. The ensemble regularly performs concerts in the Nord-Pas de Calais region and in Belgium.
Keen to improve his skills in writing for jazz ensembles, he attended the 1990 summer session at the prestigious Eastman School of Music in Rochester, United States, where he worked with leading teachers and arrangers Bill Dobbins and Bill Holman. His arrangement Marc, Say Yes!, based on the Marseillaise, won an award and was performed at the closing concert attended by leading trumpeter Michael Brecker.
In 1996, he was awarded his music school management diploma after completing the course organised by the Boulogne-Billancourt School of Music and its director Alfred Herzog.
The following year he was commissioned to compose a piece the Hymne du nouveau siècle for the opening of the international brass festival in Lille. Lys continued interest in wind and brass, especially the trombone, inspired him to compose a show entitled Feezzy et le trombone de Merlin, which has been performed several times and has provided a real boost for trombone playing across France. His next show, Le tambour de Bongo, for solo singers, choir, African percussion and wind band, was staged in northern France with an impressive 400 performers.
After being invited to compose for the Chicago Chamber Orchestra (for which he wrote Cocktail in Chicago), he was commissioned to write a musical for the Nord-Pas de Calais education authority, Destinations lointaines, to be performed by all the secondary school choirs in the region.
Since 2005, Marc Lys has been in charge of the class for sight-reading and brass ensemble techniques at the Paris Conservatoire. He also teaches chamber music classes at Cefedem Ile de France, a centre for music teacher training.
Lys tries to maintain a balance between his different musical interests and divides his time between his activities as a teacher, performer, composer and conductor. He makes a point of attending rehearsals of his own works with professional, student or amateur orchestras, occasionally even conducting himself (ensembles include the Air Force band, the Paris Conservatoire wind orchestra, the wind band of the Centre region and wind bands from the Montpellier, Bayonne, Dunkirk and Héricourt schools of music). His concertos for soloists and wind orchestras, including Vertiges, Sacrée journée, Trip-sticks and Tangothique, are performed on these occasions and have featured leading soloists such as Jacques Mauger, Jean Raffard, François Thuillier, Anthony Caillet and Philippe Limoge.
In 2010, he founded the Villa of Composers with Christophe Guyard to promote and preserve the works of talented composers in major libraries worldwide.
- The Villa of Composers / lm3d-1631 / a-1409
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- Document revised: Mon, 22 Aug 2022 12:27:41 +0200
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THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- 0002 Suite pour un poker d'as for quatuor de trombones; 7 min., Editions Billaudot, lm3d-1631-CCN0002, 1985
- 0004 Concertino, version trombone et ensemble de cuivres for trombone solo, petit ensemble de cuivres et batterie; 13 min., Editions Combre/Lemoine, lm3d-1631-CCN0004a, 1997
- 0005 Elucubrations for trombone et quintette à vents; 8 min.20, Editions Combre/Lemoine, enregistré par Gilles Millière et le quintette à vents de Troyes cd, lm3d-1631-CCN0005, 1998
- 0007 Schubertiade for trombone ténor ou basse et quintette à vents; 19 min., Editions IMD1023, création à la cathédrale de Bâle par les solistes de l'orchestre symphonique de Bâle, lm3d-1631-CCN0007, 2014
- 0009 Hymne du nouveau siècle, version cuivres et percussions for grand ensemble de cuivres, guitare basse et percussions; 8 min., Unpublished, création salle du Nouveau Siècle à Lille, lm3d-1631-CCN0009b, 1997
- 0012 Elucubrations for trombone et quintette à vents; 8 min.20, Editions Combre/Lemoine, lm3d-1631-CCN0012, 1998
- 0016 Procession et danses for ensemble de cuivres et percussions; 14 min., Editions IMD800, lm3d-1631-CCN0016a, 2003
- 0018 Vertiges, version en trio avec trombone basse for trio: trombone basse, piano, percussions; 20 min., Editions IMD1109, Recorded by Guillaume Varupenne, Victor Hanna and Marc Lys on Beyond the trombone cd, lm3d-1631-CCN0018a, 2003
- 0018 Vertiges, version en trio avec trombone ténor for trio: trombone tenor, piano, percussions; 20 min., Editions IMD1109, lm3d-1631-CCN0018b, 2005
- 0020 Marche pour la paix, version trombones for quintette de trombones et caisse claire; 2 min.30, Editions Feeling, lm3d-1631-CCN0020a, 1999
- 0020 Marche pour la paix, version cuivres for cuivres et percussions; 3 min., Editions Feeling, lm3d-1631-CCN0020b, 2005
- 0027 Trois à Troyes for trio de trombones; 8 min., Editions Combre/Lemoine, lm3d-1631-CCN0027, 2007
- 0028 Bis, Marc! for quatuor de trombones; 3 min.28, Editions IMD699, recorded by le Quatuor Millière on Créations cd, lm3d-1631-CCN0028a, 2008
- 0028 Bis, Marc! for quatuor d'euphoniums; 3 min.28, Editions IMD700, lm3d-1631-CCN0028b, 2008
- 0028 Bis, Marc! for quatuor de bassons; 3 min.28, Editions IMD586, lm3d-1631-CCN0028c, 2015
- 0032 Messages for quatuor de trombones; 13 min., Editions IMD754, recorded by le Quatuor Millière on Re-Créations cd, lm3d-1631-CCN0032a, 2011
- 0032 Messages for quatuor de bassons; 13 min., Editions IMD817, lm3d-1631-CCN0032b, 2017
- 0034 Nonagone, version ensemble de trombones et percussions for trombone principal, six trombones (quatre ténors, deux basses), vibraphone et batterie; 17 min., Editions IMD1047, lm3d-1631-CCN0034a, 2016
- 0034 Nonagone, version deux trombones for deux trombones, piano et batterie; 17 min., Editions IMD1049, lm3d-1631-CCN0034b, 2016
- 0034 Nonagone-Fiesta for trombone, piano et batterie; 5 min.45, Editions IMD1048, lm3d-1631-CCN0034c, 2016
- 0037 Tableaux cuivrés for ensemble de cuivres et percussions; 15 min., IMD787, lm3d-1631-CCN0037, 2015
- 0044 Bones project for huit trombones (6 ténors, 2 basses), vibraphone et batterie; 7 min.30, Editions IMD1069, création au Temple Saint-Etienne de Mulhouse dans le cadre du concert de clôture de l'Académie musicale du Festival de Trombone d'Alsace - dimanche 28 août 2016, lm3d-1631-CCN0044, 2016
- 0047 Triplex for trio de trombones ou trio de cors ou trio de trompettes; 3 min.30, Sempre più Editions SP0353, SP0441, SP0442, Pièce imposée au 7ème concours national de trios de trombones de Troyes 2019, lm3d-1631-CCN0047, 2018
- 0049 Elégie et scherzo for trio de trombones; 5 min.45, Sempre più Editions SP0407, lm3d-1631-CCN0049, 2019
- 0051 Toi et moi, version en trio for voix, clarinette et piano; 7 min.47, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051d, 2020
- 0051 Toi et moi, version en trio for violon, clarinette et piano; 7 min.15, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051e, 2020
- 0051 Toi et moi, version en quatuor for voix, clarinette, contrebasse et piano; 8 min.25, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051f, 2020
- 0051 Toi et moi, version en quatuor for violon, clarinette ou bugle, contrebasse et piano; 7 min.45, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051g, 2020
- 0052 Le firmament for voix, flûte et piano; 3 min.34, Unpublished, Pièce de la collection Hommage à Lucrèce pour la Villa des compositeurs, VDC-B90508, lm3d-1631-CCN0052, 2020
- 0058 Andiamo! for 3 trombones soli et piano; 4 min., Sempre più Editions SP0465, création à Troyes le 27/03/22, lm3d-1631-CCN0058, 2021
- 0001 Cocktail for trombone et piano; 5 min., Editions Robert Martin, lm3d-1631-CCN0001, 1984
- 0004 Concertino, version trombone et piano for trombone et piano; 13 min., Editions Combre/Lemoine, lm3d-1631-CCN0004b, 1997
- 0013 Rapsodie armoricaine for trombone et piano; 7 min., Editions Combre/Lemoine, lm3d-1631-CCN0013, 1999
- 0025 Sonateen ager for trombone et piano; 8 min., Editions Combre/Lemoine, lm3d-1631-CCN0025, 2005
- 0033 Trip-sticks Concerto, version percussions et piano for percussions et piano; 22 min., Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0033a, 2010
- 0035 Tangothique, version euphonium et piano for euphonium et piano; 10 min.23, Editions IMD451, lm3d-1631-CCN0035a, 2011
- 0038 Corégie, version cor et piano for cor et piano; 8 min.45, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0038a, 2013
- 0038 Corégie, version saxhorn alto mib et piano for saxhorn alto mib et piano; 8 min.45, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0038d, 2016
- 0041 Deux instantanés: To et Cha-cha Mélior for trombone et piano; 4 min.47, Editions IMD1035, lm3d-1631-CCN0041a, 2014
- 0041 Deux instantanés: To et Cha-cha Mélior for basson et piano; 4 min.47, Editions IMD1091, lm3d-1631-CCN0041b, 2014
- 0042 Valse pour Maman for violon et piano; 2 min.20, Unpublished, création le 1er octobre 2015 à la Villa Tesoriera de Turin., lm3d-1631-CCN0042, 2015
- 0043 Vibhorn for euphonium ou saxhorn basse et vibraphone; 6 min.10, Editions IMD1093, création au CRR Amiens le 17-05-2016, lm3d-1631-CCN0043, 2016
- 0046 Du signal d'Ecouves for trompette et piano ou euphonium et piano; 8 min.30, Sempre più Editions SP0352 et SP0382, Commande du concours national de trompette d'Alençon 2018, lm3d-1631-CCN0046, 2018
- 0050 Songe et caprices de C. for clarinette et piano ou euphonium et piano; 5 min.50, Sempre più Editions SP0408 et SP0409, lm3d-1631-CCN0050, 2019
- 0051 Toi et moi, version voix et piano for voix et piano; 6 min.30, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051a, 2018
- 0051 Toi et moi, version violon et piano for violon et piano; 7 min., Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051b, 2020
- 0051 Toi et moi, version violoncelle et piano for violoncelle et piano; 7 min.54, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0051c, 2020
- 0055 Un printemps bien singulier for cor et piano; 7 min.30, Sempre più Editions SP0446, lm3d-1631-CCN0055a, 2020
- 0055 Un printemps bien singulier for sahxorn alto mib et piano; 7 min.30, Sempre più Editions SP0447, lm3d-1631-CCN0055b, 2021
- 0055 Un printemps bien singulier for flûte et piano; 7 min.30, Sempre più Editions SP0448, lm3d-1631-CCN0055c, 2021
- 0055 Un printemps bien singulier for saxophone alto et piano; 7 min.30, Sempre più Editions SP0459, lm3d-1631-CCN0055d, 2022
- 0056 Intrigues au château for trompette et piano; 4 min.45, Sempre più Editions SP0462, Commande du concours national de Lormont. Création le 23/01/22, lm3d-1631-CCN0056a, 2021
- 0056 Intrigues au château for euphonium et piano; 4 min.45, Sempre più Editions SP0471, lm3d-1631-CCN0056b, 2022
- 0006 Tubastone, version tuba for tuba; 3 min.10, Editions Robert Martin, lm3d-1631-CCN0006a, 1988
- 0006 Tubastone, version contrebasse à cordes for contrebasse à cordes; 3 min.10, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0006b, 2012
- 0011 Exploitation for trompette; 5 min., Editions Billaudot, lm3d-1631-CCN0011, 1998
- 0053 The 9ths arpeggios lover for piano solo; 5 min.30, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0053, 2020
- 0009 Hymne du nouveau siècle, version orchestre d'harmonie for orchestre à vents; 12 min., Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0009c, 2003
- 0015 Protocole 2000 for orchestre d'harmonie; 6 min.30, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0015, 2000
- 0018 Vertiges, version trombone basse et orchestre d'harmonie for trombone basse solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 22 min.30, Editions IMD1108, lm3d-1631-CCN0018c, 2002
- 0018 Vertiges, version pour trombone ténor et orchestre d'harmonie for trombone tenor solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 22 min.30, Editions IMD1108, lm3d-1631-CCN0018d, 2006
- 0020 Marche pour la paix, version orchestre d'harmonie for orchestre à vents; 4 min., Editions Feeling, lm3d-1631-CCN0020c, 2006
- 0023 Une sacrée journée for tuba solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 30 min., Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0023, 2004
- 0024 Cocktail in Chicago for orch. symphonique : à cordes, bois(+sax alt) et cuivres par 1, perc., piano; 7 min.20, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0024, 2004
- 0033 Trip-sticks Concerto, version percussions et orchestre d'harmonie for percussions solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 22 min., Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0033b, 2010
- 0035 Tangothique, version euphonium et orchestre d'harmonie for euphonium solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 10 min.23, Editions IMD463, enregistré par Anthony Caillet et la Musique de l'Air sur le cd Libertalia, lm3d-1631-CCN0035b, 2010
- 0036 Parade du 41ème for orchestre d'harmonie; 7 min., unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0036, 2012
- 0038 Corégie, version pour cor et orchestre d'harmonie for cor solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 8 min.45, Unpublished, création par Vladimir Dubois et la Musique de l'Air au CNSMDP en 2013, lm3d-1631-CCN0038b, 2013
- 0038 Corégie, version pour saxhorn alto mib et orchestre d'harmonie for saxhorn alto mib solo et orchestre d'harmonie; 8 min.45, Unpublished, création par Jean Daufresne et la Musique de l'Air à la basilique des Invalides à Paris, lm3d-1631-CCN0038c, 2016
- 0057 Trios con brio for 3 trombones soli et orchestre dharmonie; 14 min., Sempre più Editions SP0460, création à Troyes le 27/03/22, lm3d-1631-CCN0057, 2021
- 0014 Feezzy et le trombone de Merlin for quintette et ensemble de trombones, trio jazz, chur d'enfants, 3 comédiens; 65 min., Editions Feeling, lm3d-1631-CCN0014, 1999
- 0022 Le tambour de Bongo for chur, 2 voix solistes, récitant, orch. d'harmonie, percus africaines; 60 min., Editions Feeling, lm3d-1631-CCN0022, 2004
- 0030 Destinations lointaines for chur, 4 voix solistes, ensemble jazz et accordéon; 80 min., unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0030, 2008
- 0054 Une légende for piano 4 hands; 8 min., Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0054, 2021
- 0039 Funissimo for big band; 6 min.20, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0039, 2013
- 0040 Bracass'roll for big band; 5 min.40, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0040, 2013
- 0048 J'te balance for voix et big band; 4 min.20, Unpublished, lm3d-1631-CCN0048, 2018

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- 28 September 2020 Hommage au poète Lucretius, The Villa of Composers, VDC-C00928 Recording, 2020
- Concert Villa Tesoriera 1rst Octobre 2015 CD-Audio Archives, The Villa of Composers, VDC-B51001 Recording , 2015
- Palazzo Farnese 5 July 2012 CD-Audio Archives, The Villa of Composers, VDC-B20701 Recording , 2012