Catalogue for Matteo D'Amico
Permanent composer member of the Collegio musicale; See Rules of Procedure for the Fund [Link]

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- News unavailable

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERSBorn in Rome in 1955, Matteo D'Amico began the study of composition under the guidante of Barbara Giuranna, and continued at the Conservatorio di Santa Cecilia with maestri Luigi Andrea Gigante, Guido Turchi and Irma Ravinale, obtaining a diploma in composition and choral music. From 1981 to 1983 he was a pupil of Franco Donatoni in Siena and Rome, obtaining the diploma of merit from the Accademia Chigiana and the post-graduate diploma from the Accademia di Santa Cecilia. In 1984 he graduated in literature.
Having spent his formative years in a musical environment strongly influenced by the personality and work of Goffredo Petrassi, as Rome was, and then having had the experience of studying with Donatoni, D'Amico has from the start been naturally drawn to paygreatattention to the rational and discursive aspects of composition, condensing them in writing that is agile, lively and rich in contrasts of rhythm and timbre. In the course of 1985 he won firstprize in three international composition competitions: "Martin Codax" (Vigo, Spain), "Valentino Bucchi" (Rome), and "MC2-Radio Frante" (Avignon). In the following years many of his chamber and symphonic works were performed both in Italy and abroad, particularly by Radio orchestra in Italy (Rome, Turin and Naples), Holland (Radio Chamber Orchestra and Radio Philharmonic Orchestra) and France (Nouvelle Orch. Philarmonique), and by the major Italian regional orchestras; he took part in several conventions and festivals of contemporary music, including "Opera prima" ('82), "Festival Internazionale Pontino" ('83 and '86), "international Gaudeamus Musikweek" ('84 and '86), "Nuova Consonanza" ('84 and '87). "Musica nel nostro tempo" ('89), "MIDEM" ('89), "Romaeuropa" ('86 and '92), "Festival Internazionale di Alicante" ('86), etc.
In 1988 his composition L'Azur (first prize in the "Music Today Contest '89" in Tokyo, performed afterwards with great success in Rome, Turin, Prague and Athens) marked the beginning of a special rapport with the poetic works of Mallarmé which has since borne more fruit, such as Sonnets et rondels, performed in the seasons of the RAI Orchestra in Rome and the Teatro Massimo in Palermo. In these, and in other works of the same period, D'Amico broadened his experience in the field of contemporary vocal writing, on a quest for his own stylistic model that would escape the danger of becoming homologized into the lingua franca of the musical avant-garde. More recently, his work The Entertainment of the senses, based on the last poem written by W.H.Auden, has been performed by Luisa Castellani in the Accademia of S.Cecilia concerts (2006) and Auden Cabaret, a radio-version of the same work, reported a special mention at the Prix Italia 2006, in Venice.
Since 1990 D'Amico's activity has been increasingly concentrated on the relationship between music, poetry, theatre and dance. His operatic debut took place at the Cantiere in Montepulciano with Gli spiriti dell'aria, to a libretto by Mauro Conti after Scarpetta, which was followed by the scenic cantata Angelus novus, a tribute to Lorenzo il Magnifico, performed in '92 at the Teatro Olimpico in the season of the Accademia Filarmonica Romana, and the Myth in musical form" La torcia e il melograno - a reworking of the story of Demeter and Persephone with an ecological slant - performed in '94 in Palermo as one of the events dedicated by the Teatro Massimo to contemporary work. In the years immediately following he wrote three one-act operas: Farinelli, la voce perduta, libretto by Sandro Cappelletto (Festival Operaincanto, 1996); Amin, libretto by Giovanni Carli Ballola (Teatro Massimo of Palermo, summer season 1996); and II cambio, libretto by Auro d'Alba (Verona, 1998). In the following years came on the stage La Finestra sui giardini di Kensington (2000), based upon a text by G:Carli Ballola which has a new view of the character of Peter Pan; the two chamber operas Dannata epicurea (2004, Palermo, Teatro Massimo, libretto by Sandro Cappelletto) and Lavinia fuggita (2004, Modena, Teatro Comunale, based on a novel by Anna Banti). In 2009 two new operas has been presented: Patto di sangue, upon a libretto by S.Cappelletto based on plays by R. del Valle-Inclàn, for the Maggio Musicale Fiorentino Festival, and Le Malentendu, based on the play by Albert Camus, for the Sferisterio Opera Festival in Macerata.
His ballet music includes Mascherata veneziana, written in honor of Goldoni and Galuppi, choreography by Fabrizio Monteverde (Teatro Filarmonico of Verona, 1993); La Ronde, based on Schnitzler, choreography by Evgheni Polyakov (Teatro Comunale of Florence, 1995); Le Baccanti, choreography by Anna Catalano (Rome. 1997); and Animae corpus, choreography by Robert North and Bob Cohan (Rovigo, 1999).
Sacred music has occupied an important place in D Amico's work, with the composition of two motets for soprano and strings (Attende Domine and Jubilate Deo)and a Sanctus for soloists and orchestra, which is an integral part of the Requiem per le vittime della mafia, a collective work realized in 1993 with six other Italian composers. Another important sacred work is a Stabat Mater based on latin Psalms and on a text by Vincenzo Consolo, composed in 1999 for the Sagra Musicale Umbra and performed by Mariella Devia, Marina Comparato and Maddalena Crippa. His most recent sacred work is La morte seconda (2006), based on a fragment of the Cantico delle Creature by San Francesco dAssisi, for tenor, mezzosoprano and instrumental group.
Among the orchestral works three of them specially stand out: Rime d'amore, (1998) a setting of poetry by Torquato Tasso commissioned by the Orchestra dell'Accademia di Santa Cecilia and performed by them in Rome under the direction of Giuseppe Sinopoli; Verdi versus Wagner, (2001) based on a text by S.Cappelletto and performed by Paolo Carignani and the Museumsgesellschaft Orchester to celebrate Verdis centenary; Le creature di Ade (2004) performed by Daniele Gatti and the Orchestra of Teatro Comunale di Bologna.
Since 1984 he has also written stage music for the straight theatre, where he has collaborated with some of the most distinguished Italian directors: Squarzina, Costa, Cobelli, Monicelli, Missiroli, Guicciardini, Carriglio etc.
Amongst his works there are also two orchestrations of pieces by Leonard Bernstein: La Bonne Cuisine (4 songs for voice and piano) and I Hate Music (5 children's songs for soprano and piano), performed in August 1993 by I Pomeriggi Musicali orchestra.
He holds the chair of composition at the Conservatorio `S.Cecilia" in Roma. From 1987 to 2000 he was artistic director for the Accademico dell'Accademia Filarmonica Romana; from 2000 to 2002 he was artistic director for the Teatro Comunale of Bologna. Since 2006 he is permanent member of the Accademia of S.Cecilia in Rome.
- The Villa of Composers / dm5r-2049 / a-1409
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THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- 0021 Mascherata veneziana for Balletto su temi di B.Galuppi per orchestra classica; 80 min., Ed. Ricordi, Manoscritto, dm5r-2049-CCN0021, 1993
- 0025 La Ronde for Ensemble (10 str.) e elab. Elettronica ( CD); 70 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0025, 1995
- 0001 Notturno for Fl Vc Pf; 7 min., Ed. Ricordi, dm5r-2049-CCN0001, 1982
- 0003 Non plus for Fl Cl ClB Pf Vno Vla Vc; 10 min., Proprietà Autore, Manoscritto, dm5r-2049-CCN0003, 1982
- 0006 Dal filo di Arianna for Pf concertante, Fl Ob Cl Fg Cor Perc Vla Vc Cb; 10 min., Ed. Ricordi, dm5r-2049-CCN0006, 1986
- 0008 Variation Machault for Ob Vno Vla Vc; 9 min., Ed. Ricordi, dm5r-2049-CCN0008, 1987
- 0010 Quartina for Vno Vla Vc; 9 min., Ed. Ricordi, Manoscritto, dm5r-2049-CCN0010, 1988
- 0024 Quis dabit capiti meo aquam for Sax sopr. Sax Contr. Sax Ten. Sax Bar.; 7 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0024, 1995
- 0045 Nunc et for Chit. Fl Perc Vno Vla Vc; 6 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Elabor. da Nunc di G. Petrassi, dm5r-2049-CCN0045, 2004
- 0048 Mozart e Narciso for Vno Vla Vc Pf; 9 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0048, 2005
- 0013 Invenzione a due for Flauto e pianoforte; 9 min., Ed. Ricordi, Manoscritto, dm5r-2049-CCN0013, 1989
- 0058 Amore e Psiche for Fl. Chit.; 6 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0058, 2008
- 0071 Impromptu for clarinetto e organo; 9 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0071, 2013
- 0005 Come il tremito degli astri for Pianoforte; 9 min., Ed. Ricordi, dm5r-2049-CCN0005, 1984
- 0016 Gli Spiriti dell'aria for Operetta da camera su testo di M.Conti tratto da E.Scarpetta (7 solisti, Coro, Ensemble); 85 min., Ed. Ricordi, Manoscritto, dm5r-2049-CCN0016, 1990
- 0027 Farinelli, la voce perduta for Controten.2Sopr. Ten. 2Bar. Bs Coro Orchestra classica; 70 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Libr. S. Cappelletto, dm5r-2049-CCN0027, 1996
- 0035 La Finestra su Kensington Gardens for Favola in musica per Voce recit. Sopr.Coro femm. E orch. Classica; 35 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0035, 2000
- 0043 Dannata Epicurea for Sopr. Barit. Attore Ensemble 11 strumenti; 70 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Libretto di S.Cappelletto, dm5r-2049-CCN0043, 2004
- 0044 Lavinia fuggita for 3Sopr. 2Mezzos.Contr.Attore Attrice; 35 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo S.Cappelletto da A.Banti, dm5r-2049-CCN0044, 2004
- 0050 L'albero di Ippolito for Voce recit. Sopr. Fl 4Sax Perc.2Vni Vla Vc; 35 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di G. Sinopoli, dm5r-2049-CCN0050, 2006
- 0061 Patto di sangue - La rosa di carta for 3Sopr. Mezzos. Ten. Barit. Ensemble 17 strum.; 80 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testi di S.Cappelletto da R.del Valle-Inclàn, dm5r-2049-CCN0061, 2008
- 0062 Le Malentendu for 2Sopr. Mezzos. Ten. Cl Fis 2Vni Vla Vc Cb; 90 min., P.A.-Ed.Gallimard, Finale file; Libretto di A.Camus, dm5r-2049-CCN0062, 2009
- 0002 Tre frammenti for Soprano e orchestra da camera; 14 min., Proprietà Autore, Manoscritto; Rev. 2011, dm5r-2049-CCN0002, 1982
- 0017 Concerto doppio for concerto per vla vc e archi; 13 min., Ed. Ricordi, Manoscritto, dm5r-2049-CCN0017, 1991
- 0020 Sonnets et rondels for Baritono e orchestra sinfonica; 20 min., Ed. Ricordi, Manoscritto; Testi di S. Mallarmé, dm5r-2049-CCN0020, 1992
- 0030 Rime d'amore for Mezzosoprano, Coro femminile e orchestra sinfonica; 35 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testi di T.Tasso, dm5r-2049-CCN0030, 1998
- 0042 Le creature di Ade for Ouverture da concerto per orchestra classica; 15 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0042, 2004
- 0051 Mozart allo specchio for Orchestra classica; 9 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0051, 2006
- 0053 Il filo di Teseo for Concerto per Violncello e Orchestra classica; 12 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0053, 2006
- 0057 Ira for Sopr. e orchestra sinfonica; 20 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testi di N.Tate, Racine e Ovidio, dm5r-2049-CCN0057, 2007
- 0065 Flight from Byzantium for Controt. 2Ten. Barit. Voce recit. Orch. Sinfonica; 35 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testi di Josef Brodski, dm5r-2049-CCN0065, 2010
- 0066 Haydn allo specchio for Orchestra classica; 10 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file, dm5r-2049-CCN0066, 2010
- 0068 Veni veni Mephostophilis for Ten. Coro femm. Orchestra Sinfonica; 30 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di Chr. Marlowe, dm5r-2049-CCN0068, 2011
- 0033 Stabat Mater for Sopr. Mezzos. Voce recit. Orch.d'archi Perc(1); 45 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testi di V.Consolo e Liber Usualis, dm5r-2049-CCN0033, 1999
- 0036 Verdi contro Wagner (Bologna, 19 novembre 1871) for voce recitante e pianoforte a 4 mani; 25 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; testo di S.Cappelletto, dm5r-2049-CCN0036, 2013
- 0037 Verdi versus Wagner for Voce recit. E orchestra sinfonica; 20 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testo di S.Cappelletto, dm5r-2049-CCN0037, 2000
- 0070 Tragos for 7 Voci recit. Coro Orchestra sinfonica; 45 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di Eschilo, dm5r-2049-CCN0070, 2012
- 0012 L'Azur for Soprano, Fl Cl Cor 2Vni Vla Vc; 14 min., Ed. Ricordi, Testi di S. Mallarmé, dm5r-2049-CCN0012, 1989
- 0023 La torcia e il melograno for Soprano, Mezzosoprano, Baritono e ensemble; 35 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testo di S.Cappelletto, dm5r-2049-CCN0023, 1994
- 0032 Das Geld for Sopr. Mezzosopr. Barit. 2Vni Vla Vc Pf; 10 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testo di W.A.Mozart, dm5r-2049-CCN0032, 1999
- 0038 Veianio for Sopr. Barit. Voce recit. Fl Cl Cor Perc 2Vni Vla Vc; 24 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testo S.Cappelletto, dm5r-2049-CCN0038, 2001
- 0040 Bernard à la Vierge for Sopr. Fl Cl Pf Vno Vc; 9 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di Dante Alighieri, dm5r-2049-CCN0040, 2002
- 0046 Hor che 'l cielo for 2Sopr Mezzos. Clav Vno Vla Vc; 9 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di F.Petrarca, dm5r-2049-CCN0046, 2004
- 0049 The Entertainment of the senses for Voce femm. (Sopr) Fl Ob Cl Fg Cor Pf; 45 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testo di W.H.Auden, dm5r-2049-CCN0049, 2005
- 0055 Viaggio nell'Inferno for Sopr. Voce recit. Cl Sax Perc 2Vc; 80 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di Dante Alighieri, dm5r-2049-CCN0055, 2007
- 0056 Auden Cabaret for Voce femm. (Sopr) Fl Ob Cl Fg Cor Pf; 60 min., Ed. Ricordi, Finale file; Testo di W.H.Auden, dm5r-2049-CCN0056, 2007
- 0060 Viaggio nel Purgatorio e nel Paradiso for Sopr. Fl Cl Pf Vno Vc; 80 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testo di Dante Alighieri, dm5r-2049-CCN0060, 2008
- 0064 Sub speciae modae for Sopr. Fl Ob Cl Pf Vno Vla Vc; 10 min., Proprietà Autore, Finale file; Testi di Bruno Cagli, dm5r-2049-CCN0064, 2010

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (Italia) Catalogo SBN (OPAC SBN)