Catalogue for Enrico Correggia
Composer member of the Villa of Composers; See Rules of Procedure for the Fund [Link]

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERSEnrico Correggia, (b. 1933, La Spezia) is a pianist, conductor and composer, who has earned a Law degree.
He studied for two years piano and conducting at the Mozarteum of Salzburg respectively under Carlo Zecchi, Herbert von Karajan, Lovro von Matacic and Erich Leinsdorf. Correggia is founder of the Camerata Strumentale "A.Casella", Antidogma Musica and ICOMS.
He is artistic director of Antidogma Musica. His chamber opera AYL, (text by Italo Calvino), which won a prize at the International Contest announced by Teatro Regio of Turin in 1973, inaugurated the Piccolo Regio in 1974.
He taught composition at the Turin Music Conservatory, he retired in 1985. At present he devotes himself only to composing and concert organization. He received a commission from the Gulbenkian Foundation and, in 1986, from the French Ministry of Culture for his work "Duna" that was premiered at the Centre Pompidou in Paris.
From that year he received many others commissions: in 1989 by Tage für Neue Musik of Zurich, from the National School of Evry (France) and by General Direction of Cultural Affairs Ile de France; in 1990 from City of Genève (Switzerland) and from Radio France; in 1991 from Festival of Alicante (Spain) and from AIEC-Région Nord-Pas de Calais; in 1992 again from Radio France for a concerto for cello and orchestra premiered April 1993 with Alain Meunier soloist and Denis Coen conductor at the concert-hall Messiaen of Maison de la Radio in Paris; yet again from Radio France for Narcissus et Echo, a piece for children's choir and ensemble and from French Government for a piece for piano and tape.
He never followed a particular musical trend. Massimo Mila writes about him: "...his pieces of these last years confirm his willingess to hack his independent and personal way through the jungle of contemporary languages without fashions and not giving way to post-modern temptations". Correggia is published by: Suvini-Zerboni (Milan), Tonos (Darmstadt), BMG (Rome), Edi-Pan (Rome), Berben (Ancona) and many compositions at Salabert (Paris).

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- 0002 Nature sans rivages for flute, piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0002, 1971
- 0010 Under the night forever falling for flute, piano, harpsichord; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0010, 1973
- 0013 Wirbel 7 for ensemble; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0013, 1974
- 0019 Wirbel 2 for 2 violins; 5 min., Tonos-Darmstadt, ce3l-2787-CCN0019, 1976
- 0023 Ephemeral 2 for ensemble and electronic; 7 min., Tonos-Darmstadt, ce3l-2787-CCN0023, 1977
- 0024 Musica per H.P. Lovekraft for double bass and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0024, 1977
- 0027 Irrlicht 4 for 11 clarinets; 9 min., Edi-Pan-Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0027, 1981
- 0028 Oiseau s'envolant au clair de la lune for flute, guitar, piano; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0028, 1982
- 0030 Innerlicht for flute, clarinet, 2 perc., piano and strings quartet; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0030, 1983
- 0035 Già l'Eolia di notte for ensemble; 12 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0035, 1984
- 0036 Immense space of memory for flute, clarinet, percussion and strings quartett; 12 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0036, 1984
- 0037 Augenblick der Stille for sax-quartett; 8 min., Edi-Pan-Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0037, 1985
- 0041 Wolkenlicht for flute, clarinet, horn, piano, guitar, strings quartett; 3 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0041, 1986
- 0042 E Adamo ritto in piedi cantò delle origini for 3 percussionists; 7 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0042, 1986
- 0044 Shin for clarinett and piano; 6 min., Edi-Pan-Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0044, 1986
- 0045 From the dark silence for clarinett, horn, 2 synti, percussion, violin, cello; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0045, 1987
- 0046 Mem-Nun for piano and ensemble; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0046, 1987
- 0047 Urlicht for soprano, 4 pianos and 6 percussnists; 21 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0047, 1987
- 0050 Quartetto n.1 for strings quartett; 11 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0050, 1988
- 0051 Nuda...l'alba for harp and ensemble; 11 min., Arposphère, Paris, ce3l-2787-CCN0051, 1989
- 0052 Meta-sound for strings quartett and 7 strings; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0052, 1989
- 0053 Aura for flute, clarinett, guitar and piano soloist, horn and strings; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0053, 1989
- 0054 Atrem for flute, clarinett, guitar and piano; 9 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0054, 1989
- 0055 Tu che tra i verdi rami for endless canon for 11 flutes; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0055, 1989
- 0057 Ego sum Phoenix for wind instruments, double bass and prcussion; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0057, 1990
- 0058 Quartetto n.2 (Deteaptate, Romane) for strings quartett; 10 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0058, 1990
- 0059 Unda for flute, clarinett, piano, violin and cello; 11 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0059, 1990
- 0062 Tiamàt for ensemble; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0062, 1991
- 0064 Oan-Sim for clarinett and piano; 6 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0064, 1991
- 0066 Voces for strings sextett; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0066, 1992
- 0067 Les traces relevées de l'oubli for 11 strings; 9 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0067, 1992
- 0074 Arcana for ensemble; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0074, 1994
- 0075 Wallenrode Quartettsatz for string quartet; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0075, 1994
- 0077 Oiseau triste du désert for whistle, flute e clarinet (1 player); 1 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0077, 1995
- 0078 Il viaggio di Urien for violin and orchestra (; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0078, 1995
- 0081 Nel puro farsi sereno for violin and piano; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0081, 1996
- 0085 Le pietre del silenzio for 12 percussionists; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0085, 1997
- 0087 I fiordalisi azzurri della notte for clarinet in la and guitar orchestra; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0087, 1998
- 0090 Die hyazinthene Stille der Nacht for cello and piano; 10 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0090, 1999
- 0091 Il canto di Los for 6 percussionists; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0091, 1999
- 0092 L'ombra di Urizen for 1 percussionist and piano; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0092, 1999
- 0095 Requiem per una nuvola for quartet with piano; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0095, 1999
- 0096 Come vasto l'abisso for violin, 2 percussions, 2 pianos; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0096, 1999
- 0102 Samarkanda for violin, cello and piano; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0102, 2001
- 0104 Animus for flute, violin, piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0104, 2001
- 0107 Ultraviolet Autumn for ensemble; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0107, 2003
- 0111 Un gesto della memoria for violin, cello and piano; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0111, 2003
- 0114 Drinn in den Alpen for horn, violin, piano; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0114, 2005
- 0121 The bay of the dream for ensemble; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0121, 2008
- 0129 Fervent animi, ferveant rotas for violin and cello; 11 min., Zedde-Torino, ce3l-2787-CCN0129, 2012
- 0130 Il principe felice for actor and ensemble; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0130, 2013
- 0135 Già vaneggiamo abissi for soloist piano and ensemble (13 instruments); 17 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0135, 2016
- 0005 Wirbel 1 for piano; 5 min., Unpublished, opus 5 n.1, ce3l-2787-CCN0005a, 1972
- 0005 Wirbel 3 for trombone; 5 min., Unpublished, opus 5 n.2, ce3l-2787-CCN0005b, 1972
- 0006 Wirbel 6 for organ; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0006, 1972
- 0009 Trasparenze for guitar; 7 min., Berben-Ancona, ce3l-2787-CCN0009, 1973
- 0026 Voli for flute; 7 min., Suvini-Zerboni, ce3l-2787-CCN0026, 1981
- 0029 Samek for clarinet; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0029, 1983
- 0031 Fern den Wuenschen der Erde for piano; 9 min., Rugginenti-Milano, ce3l-2787-CCN0031, 1983
- 0032 Mohn und Gedaechtnis for guitar and tape; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0032, 1984
- 0034 Occulti oceani azzurri for piano; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0034, 1984
- 0040 L'automne est mort for basson and tape; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0040, 1986
- 0043 Urlaut for 1 percussionist; 7 min., Edi-Pan-Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0043, 1986
- 0049 Rivage for flute; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0049, 1988
- 0056 Sicut umbra for organ; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0056, 1989
- 0063 Ocean inconnu for piano; 9 min., Rugginenti-Milano, ce3l-2787-CCN0063, 1991
- 0071 Ilyan for piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0071, 1993
- 0082 Turbata serenità degli incanti for piano and tape; 15 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0082, 1996
- 0124 Lenora e il mare for cello and tape; 6 min., Sconfinarte-Milano, ce3l-2787-CCN0124, 2010
- 0008 AYL for soprano, tenor, dancers and orchestra; 25 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0008, 1973
- 0015 La verità negata for dancer, actor, soprano, guitar, clarinet, violin, perc.; 15 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0015, 1974
- 0127 Lusignolo for soprano, bariton, actor, dancer and ensemble; 50 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0127, 2011
- 0128 Solaris for 4 voices, ensemble and tape; 55 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0128, 2011
- 0011 Space forms for flute and orchestra; 10 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0011, 1973
- 0012 Flights for piano, cello and orchestra; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0012, 1974
- 0014 In tempore fluctuans for; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0014, 1974
- 0017 Donner la lumière sans douleur for double vocal quartett and 11 strings; 11 min., Tonos-Darmstadt, ce3l-2787-CCN0017, 1975
- 0022 Ephemeral for guitar and strings; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0022, 1977
- 0025 Murmeln for flexaton and strings; 10 min., Tonos-Darmstadt, ce3l-2787-CCN0025, 1979
- 0039 Duna for flute, guitar, piano soloist and 9 strings; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0039, 1986
- 0048 L'abîme évanoui for flute, trombone, piano, 2 guitas ekettr., percuss., strings; 17 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0048, 1988
- 0060 Galaxies two for; 17 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0060, 1990
- 0068 Vox for cello and orchestra; 17 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0068, 1992
- 0097 Urizen for piano and percussion soloist and orchestra; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0097, 1999
- 0110 La desolazione della luce for Orchestra; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0110, 2003
- 0125 Iceland for 11 strings; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0125, 2010
- 0001 Der Wanderer for soprano, clarinet, piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0001, 1968
- 0003 La tierra yerma for vocal quartett, mann choir, 2 pianos, 2 percussions; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0003, 1971
- 0004 Car je cherche le vide for vocal quintett, piano, percussion; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0004, 1971
- 0007 Wirbel 5 for soprano and ensemble; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0007, 1972
- 0016 Verlorner Laut for bariton and ensemble; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0016, 1975
- 0018 From the dark trown to bright light for soprano and ensemble; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0018, 1976
- 0020 Death by water for choir and orchestra; 13 min., Tonos-Darmstadt, ce3l-2787-CCN0020, 1977
- 0021 Epigrafe for vocal quartett and 17 instruments; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0021, 1977
- 0038 Forever falling night for 3 male voices; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0038, 1985
- 0061 La nuit obscure for 2 controtenors, 2 tenors, 1 bariton, 1 bass; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0061, 1990
- 0065 L'ultimo volo for sorpano and ensemble; 11 min., BMG-Ariola, Roma, ce3l-2787-CCN0065, 1991
- 0069 The bells of sleep for soprano and ensemble; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0069, 1993
- 0076 La nuit sans profondeur for children choir and string sextet; 20 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0076, 1995
- 0079 Die Kürze for soprano, violin, cello and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0079, 1996
- 0080 Trauerlied for soprano, 20 strings and tam-tam; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0080, 1996
- 0083 Narcissus et Echo for children choir and ensemble; 15 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0083, 1997
- 0086 Wo du gehst for mezzosoprano, alto and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0086, 1997
- 0088 Zypressen for baritono, flute in sol, clarinet basse, alto and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0088, 1998
- 0089 Wiegenlied für Alma for choir, piano and bell; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0089, 1998
- 0093 Le valli di Har for choir and violin, cello, piano and percussion; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0093, 1999
- 0094 Das Einhorn for soprano and quartett with piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0094, 1999
- 0098 Attesa for soprano and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, opus 98 n.1, ce3l-2787-CCN0098a, 1999
- 0098 Erwartung for soprano, violin and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, opus 98 n.2, ce3l-2787-CCN0098b, 2000
- 0099 Wiegenlied für Alma for choir, strings, piano and percussion; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0099, 2000
- 0100 Wenn hinter dir die Möwe for soprano, violin, cello and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0100, 2000
- 0101 Du, süsses Licht for soprano, violin, cello and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0101, 2001
- 0103 Das Mädchen von Inistore for vocal ensemble, horno, cello and percussion; 7 min., Unpublished, opus 103 n.1, ce3l-2787-CCN0103, 2001
- 0105 Océan for choir and tape; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0105, 2001
- 0106 Ladieu for soprano, accordion, cello; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0106, 2003
- 0108 Silrichlied for vocal quintett and ensemble; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0108, 2003
- 0109 Musik für das Ende der Tage: Requiem for soprano, bariton, choir and orchestra; 40 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0109, 2003
- 0112 Toten-aiku al sol for soprano and ensemble; 11 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0112, 2004
- 0113 Le poesie del fiume Wang for soprano, violin, piano, percussion, sweetflutes and tape; 9 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0113, 2005
- 0115 Lhomme et la mer for soprano, horn and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0115, 2005
- 0117 La cantata della lontananza for bariton, choir and orchestra; 15 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0117, 2006
- 0118 Nachtliebeslieder for soprano and 12 strings; 13 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0118, 2006
- 0119 Die Ferne for vocal quartet; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0119, 2007
- 0120 Apocalypsis for choir and orchestra; 15 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0120, 2008
- 0122 In he morning for vocal quartet and ensemble; 6 min., Zedde-Torino, ce3l-2787-CCN0122, 2009
- 0123 The night you slept for vocal quartet and ensemble; 6 min., Zedde-Torino, ce3l-2787-CCN0123, 2009
- 0126 Voce ancora umana for female choir and piano; 7 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0126, 2010
- 0131 Souffle for choir and ensemble; 15 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0131, 2013
- 0132 Gli addii for 5 Lieder for soprano, violin and piano; 21 min., Zedde-Torino, ce3l-2787-CCN0132, 2014
- 0133 Winterlieder for soprano and orchestra; 17 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0133, 2014
- 0134 Tu, dolce mattino for soprano and piano; 5 min., Unpublished, ce3l-2787-CCN0134, 2015

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- Festival MITO Torino / Wednesday 21 September 2016 Catalog-audio Archives, The Villa of Composers, VDC-B60921 Recording , 2016

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (Italia) Catalogo SBN (OPAC SBN)
- The Villa of Composers / ce3l-2787 / a-1409
- Document revised: Fri, 27 Mar 2020 11:46:57 +0100
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