Catalogue for Enrico Blatti
Permanent composer member of the Collegio musicale; See Rules of Procedure for the Fund [Link]

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERSEnrico Blatti was born in Rome in 1969.
He graduated in Clarinet, Composition, Instrumentation for Band, Conducting, and Choral Music .
Under the close supervision of Maestro Azio Corghi, he has specialized, with honors, in Composition at the Music Academy of Santa Cecilia in Rome. In 2006, he then achieved a second specialization, always with honors, in Compostion Level II, at the Conservatorio Santa Cecilia in Rome.
He has attended the exceptionally valuable courses on jazz held by Maestro Gerardo Iacoucci and furthered his studies at the Academy of Siena (Chigiana) under the expert guidance of Azio Corghi. He has attended Master Class in Arrangement and Orchestration held by Larry Blank.
Work: In 1995 he has founded the wind ensemble Blue Chamber Orchestra (formerly known as Nuovarmonia) that he currently directs and for which he works as arranger. The Blue Chamber Orchestra has toured throughout Europe and South America, playing in well renowned concerts halls in Italy, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, Lithuania, Turkey, Greece, Austria, Portugal and Hungary.
He has collaborated with internationally renowned artists such as Richard Galliano, Marcelo Nisinman, Fernando Suarez Paz, Lee Konitz, Amii Stewart, Cheryl Porter, Gabriele Mirabassi, Pietro Tonolo, Franco Branciaroli, David Riondino, Ewa Kupiec.
Enrico Blatti has also worked with prominent institutions, such as Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia, Istituzione Sinfonica Abruzzese, Orchestra, Chorus Liatoshinskiy of Kiev and the Italian Youth Orchestra of Fiesole.
Awards: In 1999 he has won the Course of Conducting "The young talents , LAquila. In 2002, First Prize at International Composition Competition "The Irony and the music ", Rome.
In 2003 he received the first Prize at the National Arrangers "Pippo Barzizza", Sanremo; where he was flattered with a particular note of appreciation and highest score by the well renowned Maestro, Ennio Morricone; who, at that time, was chairing the committee.
In 2002 and 2003, he received the prize Special mention of the jury at the National Competition for Band Composition "Pellegrino Case", as well as the IX International Composition Competition "2 Agosto ", Bologna.
Always in 2003, he was selected at the XVI Contest Arranging for Big Band Barga Jazz for the International Composition Competition "Seghizzi", Gorizia; and at the IV International Competition for Band Composition of Comines, Belgium. In 2004, he won the second prize at the National Competition for Band Composition "Pellegrino Case"; and in 2005, the first prize of the Fifth National Composition Competition "Pellegrino Caso" (allora e Case?lhai scritto in mnaiera diversa in due volte diverse; ma ceh me voi fa impazzi?) and in 2006 he has also been awarded both with the prize Special Mention of the Jury at the third International Composition Competition "Romualdo Marenco", Novi Ligure and at the International Composition Competition "Ministere de la Defense, Paris.
Achievements: his compositions and arrangements have been broadcasted worldwide on several occasions.
In 2006 he was commissioned a program of original music by the 27th International Festival of Jazz of Montreal. This work later became a CD, released from the EGEA RECORDS, with the title "Espresso 443 ". In 2006 the Solaris Records released the CD, " Variations on a theme "based on re-reading of Pagliacci2 by Ruggero Leoncavallo.
Enrico Blatti has also collaborated with the Timeline for the soundtrack of two short films, Welcome to Italy and LEstinzione, and composed original music for the short movie, The neighbour, produced by Sten & Stef Films Ltd, a London-based film production company; he has also collaborated with the National Film School in Oslo for the implementation of various commercial for the Norwegian National TV and with All Music and Rai Trade.
Many of his compositions are published by: Rai Trade, Reverberi Sonori, Euphonia, Tactus Fugit, Wicky, Scomegna.
Commisions: In 2008 he was commissioned a work for children, I colori di Camilla premiered at the Petrassi Hall Auditorium Parco della Musica. Enrico Blatti also received a commission by the National Academy of Santa Cecilia and wrote the music for the Opera "Il violino del Signor Stradivari" later staged at the Sala Petrassi in 2010.
In 2009 a collection of tributes to Astor Piazzolla called "Revolutionary!" was released by MSRecords. Enrico Blatti led both the direction and arrangements.
In 2010, he arranged the original music for the CD SMALL Merry Christmas released by EGEA.
Teaching: Enrico Blatti has taught Arranging and Composition at the Institute ISMEZ, Rome; at the Association of MIFAJAZZ, Matera; at the Conservatory "F. Morlacchi", Perugia and at the Conservatory "F. Venezze", Rovigo.
E-mail address: [e-mail]
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THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- 0001 Sistemi in movimento for Voce recitante e Clarinetto Sib; 4 min., Manoscritto, Testo di Luca Conti, be9r-2063-CCN0001, 1987
- 0002 Radio Algeri for Flauto e Percussioni; 6 min.05, Manoscritto, be9r-2063-CCN0002, 1997
- 0003 Candombe for Pianoforte; 6 min.05, Manoscritto, be9r-2063-CCN0003, 1997
- 0005 Sinlux for Ensemble Misto; 8 min., Edizioni RAI TRADE, be9r-2063-CCN0005, 2003
- 0007 Quando Nerone bruciò Roma for Pf Cl.Bs. Baritono; 4 min., Finale, Testo di Trilussa, be9r-2063-CCN0007, 2003
- 0008 Per i morti della Resistenza for Pianoforte, Percussioni S.C.T.B; 4 min.50, Finale, Testo di Giuseppe Ungaretti, be9r-2063-CCN0008, 2003
- 0010 Caduta libera for Quartetto di Clarinetti; 5 min.36, Edizioni Scomegna, be9r-2063-CCN0010, 2004
- 0011 Controdanza for Fl.Marimba, Percussioni; 6 min.35, Edizioni RAI TRADE, be9r-2063-CCN0011, 2004
- 0014 Le strade di Don (impressioni sul Signor Chisciotte) for Fl/Ott Cl/ClBs Accordeon Vcl. Perc.; 50 min.30, Edizioni RAI TRADE, Dal Don Chisciotte di M.Cervantes, be9r-2063-CCN0014, 2005
- 0017 Taranta for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 4 min.50, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0017, 2006
- 0018 Ninna Nanna for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 3 min.58, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0018, 2006
- 0019 Interail for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 6 min.10, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0019, 2006
- 0020 Tano del Sud for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 6 min.35, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0020, 2006
- 0021 Caro Nino for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 3 min.50, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0021, 2006
- 0022 Canto Lucano for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 5 min.36, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0022, 2006
- 0023 Rossy's theme for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 6 min.05, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0023, 2006
- 0024 Radio Tirana for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 6 min.25, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0024, 2006
- 0025 Zakymthos for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 4 min.33, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0025, 2006
- 0027 Variations on a theme for Ensemble Misto e Clarinetto Solista; 71 min., Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0027, 2006
- 0030 Carillon for Ensemble Misto; 2 min.50, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0030, 2007
- 0031 Pantaleon for Piano e voce; 2 min.30, Finale, Testo di Ennio Speranza, be9r-2063-CCN0031, 2007
- 0035 Danza Jonica for Pianoforte; 3 min., Edizioni RAI TRADE, be9r-2063-CCN0035, 2008
- 0036 Preghiera per Caterina for Ensemble Misto; 3 min.50, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0036, 2008
- 0037 Blizzard for Ensemble Misto; 4 min.50, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0037, 2008
- 0038 Stazione Centrale for Quintetto d'Archi e Accordion; 3 min.50, Finale, Express Suite Album, be9r-2063-CCN0038, 2008
- 0039 Terra nostra for Ensemble Misto; 3 min.50, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0039, 2008
- 0040 Rosso sulla costa for Quintetto d'Archi e Accordion; 2 min.50, Finale, Express Suite Album, be9r-2063-CCN0040, 2008
- 0041 Vento del Sud for Quintetto d'Archi e Accordion; 4 min.12, Finale, Express Suite Album, be9r-2063-CCN0041, 2008
- 0042 Scherzo pericoloso for Piano e Euphonium; 4 min.50, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0042, 2008
- 0043 Taranta x 6 for Quintetto a fiati e Pianoforte; 4 min.50, Edizioni RAI TRADE, be9r-2063-CCN0043, 2009
- 0044 Espresso 443 Suite for Quartetto d'Archi; 10 min.15, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0044a, 2009
- 0044 Espresso 443 Suite for Clarinetto Sib, Arpa, Pianoforte; 10 min.15, Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0044b, 2010
- 0046 Notturno for Ensemble Misto; 3 min.50, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0046, 2009
- 0051 Il violino del Signor Stradivari Quartet for Quartetto d'Archi; 2 min.50, Edizioni RAI TRADE, be9r-2063-CCN0051a, 2011
- 0061 Express suite (album) for accordion e quintetto d'archi; 11 min., Unpublished, (0038 Stazione Centrale, 0040 Rosso sulla costa, 0041 Vento del Sud), be9r-2063-CCN0061, 2008
- 0015 L'estinzione for Ensemble Misto; 15 min., Finale, Regia di Emanuele Cerman, be9r-2063-CCN0015, 2005
- 0032 Welcome to Italy for Ensemble Misto; 4 min., Finale, Regia di Emanuele Cerman, be9r-2063-CCN0032, 2007
- 0050 The Neighbour for Ensemble Misto; 5 min., Finale, Regia di Samuela Memmo, be9r-2063-CCN0050, 2010
- 0053 Silencio! for Accordion, Clarinetto SIb, Sax Soprano, Contrabbasso, Arpa, Percussioni, Violino; 5 min., Edizioni Elisir, be9r-2063-CCN0053, 2011
- 0058 Homeless for Pianoforte e violoncello; 4 min.50, Finale, Regia di Enrico Esposito, be9r-2063-CCN0058, 2011
- 0059 The perspectives of the objects for Ensemble Misto; 11 min., Finale, Regia di Samuela Memmo, be9r-2063-CCN0059, 2011
- 0004 Cometa del Sud for Orchestra e Clarinetto Sib; 20 min.15, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0004, 2002
- 0006 Stari Grad for Symphonic Band; 9 min., Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0006, 2003
- 0009 Quartieri Spagnoli for Symphonic Band; 9 min., Edizioni Wicky, be9r-2063-CCN0009, 2004
- 0012 Rione Monti for Symphonic Band; 9 min., Edizioni Wicky, be9r-2063-CCN0012, 2005
- 0013 Xavier Dreaming China for Orchestra, solisti e coro; 82 min., Finale, Libretto di Ennio Speranza, be9r-2063-CCN0013, 2005
- 0026 Zenith Concert for Orchestra e Accordion solista; 13 min.35, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0026, 2006
- 0028 El vito for Orchestra e Clarinetto Sib; 8 min.05, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0028, 2006
- 0029 Gorizia for Orchestra e Clarinetto Sib; 7 min., Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0029, 2006
- 0034 Hyknusa for Big Band; 9 min.05, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0034, 2007
- 0047 Go-go-gosos! for Big Band; 6 min.05, Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0047, 2009
- 0048 Stella di Natale for Big Band e voce; 3 min.25, Edizioni Elisir, Testo di Ennio Speranza, be9r-2063-CCN0048, 2010
- 0049 Regalo di Natale for Big Band e voce; 3 min.25, Edizioni Elisir, Testo di Ennio Speranza, be9r-2063-CCN0049, 2010
- 0051 Il violino del Signor Stradivari for Orchestra; 75 min., Edizioni RAI TRADE, Libretto di Paola Pacetti, be9r-2063-CCN0051b, 2011
- 0051 Il violino del Signor Stradivari Suite for Orchestra; 4 min.50, Edizioni RAI TRADE, be9r-2063-CCN0051c, 2011
- 0060 RTO for Big Band; 40 min., Finale, be9r-2063-CCN0060, 2011
- 0016 Ciceruacchio for Ensemble Misto; 72 min., Finale, Libretto di Toni Fornari, be9r-2063-CCN0016, 2005
- 0033 I colori di Camilla for Piano, percussion, Flauto, Clarinetto Sib; 72 min., Finale, Libretto di Ennio Speranza, be9r-2063-CCN0033, 2007
- 0045 Prometeo Carcerato for Ensemble Misto; 50 min.30, Finale, Libretto di Toni Fornari, be9r-2063-CCN0045, 2009
- 0052 Il Poema di Garibaldi for Symphonic Band /Orchestra d'archi e voce recitante; 70 min., Finale, Libretto di David Riondino, be9r-2063-CCN0052, 2011
- 0054 Storia Nostra for Ensemble Misto; 55 min., Finale, Libretto di Toni Fornari, be9r-2063-CCN0054, 2011
- 0055 Un cugino l'attende a Baltimora for Symphonic Band / e voce recitante; 40 min., Finale, Testi di Guido Gozzano, be9r-2063-CCN0055, 2011
- 0056 Teresa for Clarinetto/Sax Soprano/Percussioni; 25 min., Finale, Libretto di Toni Fornari, be9r-2063-CCN0056, 2011
- 0057 Figaro il barbiere di Siviglia a Roma for Ensemble Misto; 72 min., Finale, Libretto di Toni Fornari, be9r-2063-CCN0057, 2011

THE VILLA OF COMPOSERS- Servizio Bibliotecario Nazionale (Italia) Catalogo SBN (OPAC SBN)